Samos Summer Academy 2019
Giorgio De Chirico, Orfeo che canta accompagnandosi con la cetra, 1956
Courtesy Galleria Michaud, Florence
This year, the academy focuses on music and poetry from the first Orpheus of Politianos (late 15th century) to Orpheus of Monteverdi (1607). Young musicians are invited to take part in a week of rehearsals and seminars dedicated to music and poetry around the myth of Orpheus from Politianos to Monteverdi. The week will focus on the study of the relevant repertoire, the analysis of the music-text relations in the works of the troubadours, as well as their historical and cultural background. Dimitris Kountouras & Francis Biggi organise a series of lectures that will take place in the Music Rooms.
It concerns singers and music students of period instruments (baroque violin, baroque cello, viola da gamba, lute, flute with beak, etc.) of the Athens Conservatoire and the Geneva Conservatory of Music, but also young professionals. Other music students or young professionals can apply if they have experience with baroque music and play an instrument of the time.
Musical Direction
- Saturday, July 13
Il Viaggio d’ Orfeo Concert
Ensemble of the Summer Academy of Samos 2019- Coraline Parmentiervoice
- Giulia Valentinivoice
- Harry Vassilakisvoice
- Jerôme Vavasseurvoice
- Nikos Ziaziarisvoice
- Karolina Plywaczewskacello
- Francis Biggilute
- Yorgos Velissarideslute
- Aurèle Gerinpercussion
- Danae Bostarecorder
- Dimitris Kountourasrecorder
- Julien Ribouleau sackbut
- Xihuitl Tonalli Mundo Lozanoviolin
- Traute Lutzviolin
- Julie Pascualenaviolin
- Eirini Manolopoulouscreening translation
Il Viaggio d'Orfeo Concert Brochure
- The lectures by Dimitris Kountouras and Francis Biggi will be open to the public as part of the Academy's public programme. Lectures start at 11:00 a.m. and last about an hour. At the Schwarz Foundation's Music Rooms at Chora, Samos.
- Wednesday, July 10
Orpheus - Myth & Music Lecture
- Francis Biggi
- Thursday, July 11
Humanism & Mythology in Renaissance Music Lecture
- Dimitris Kountourasrecorder, baroque flute
- Co-organised by the Haute Ecole de Musique de Geneve and the Athens Conservatoire. Supported by the Schwarz Foundation