
    Grant supporting No Country for Young Men

    The blue sea photographed from above. In the bottom of the picture a man dressed in the greek tradiotional army soldier "tsolias" uniform and floates on the surface of the sea.

    Panos Kokkinias, Yorgis, 2011
    Courtesy the artist and Xippas Gallery

    26.03 — 03.08.2014
    Bozar Expo, Brussels

    In 2014, the Schwarz Foundation was one of the sponsors of the exhibition No Country for Young Men at Bozar Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels. Curated by Katerina Gregos, the exhibition explored the state of affairs in Greece today. Bringing the issue of the Greek crisis in the foreground, the show shed light on how this crisis has affected Greece in terms of the social body, institutions, the landscape, the environment, as well as artistic production. This exhibition led to the Schwarz Foundation’s collaboration with Katerina Gregos.

    Participating Artists

    Loukia Alavanou
    Manolis Anastasakos & Alexandros Vasmoulakis
    Bill Balaskas
    Depression Era
    Eirene Efstathiou
    Stelios Faitakis
    Marina Gioti
    Alexandros Georgiou
    Philippe Grammaticopoulos
    Guerrilla Optimists
    Michalis G. Kallimopoulos
    Dionisis Kavallieratos
    Panos Kokkinias
    Alkis Konstantinidis
    Zissis Kotionis
    Marinos Koutsomichalis, Afroditi Psarra & Maria Varela
    Nicolas Kozakis & Raoul Vaneigem
    Nikos Navridis
    Angelos Papadimitriou
    Maria Papadimitriou
    Antonis Pittas
    Stefania Strouza
    Lina Theodorou
    Panos Tsagaris
    Kostas Tsolis
    Dimitris Tsoumplekas
    Chrisa Valsamaki
    Kostis Velonis
    Eirini Vourloumis
    Zafos Xagoraris
    Yorgos Zois


    Katerina Gregos

    The exhibition brings together work by more than 30 leading contemporary Greek artists whose work addresses the impact of the economic crisis on their country. Their work transcends the everyday coverage of political and economic developments and offers an insightful look at what is going on in Greece today. The focus, however, is not only restricted to the negative effects: the exhibition also looks at the opportunities the crisis offers for a reinvention of the country.


    • Curator: Katerina Gregos, Artistic Director BOZAR: Paul Dujardin, Deputy Exhibitions Director BOZAR: Sophie Lauwers, Exhibition coordinator: Christel Tsilibaris, Exhibition design: Danae Giamalaki, Exhibition guide design: Leen Persoons
    • No Country for Young Men was generously supported by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, NEON, Aegean Airlines and the Schwarz Foundation with additional support from Outset.Greece and Atelier Bouwmeester.

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