Inner-Urban Landscapes of Athens

Athens from above, photographed from the Acropolis of Athens. Historic buildings are in the foreground but a more contemporary densely populated urban environment is in the background. The picture has a blue filter

Photo: Tasos Roidis

2020 — 2022
Athens, Greece

Urban Design Research Laboratory is funded by the Schwarz Foundation

A series of lectures, seminars, design studios, publications and public projects developed from 2020 to 2022 by the Chair of Sustainable Urbanism of the Department of Architecture at the Technical University of Munich, in collaboration with the School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens, the Gennadius Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.

The goal of this research project is to explore inner-urban landscapes as a spatial phenomenon – or urban quality – and to create an interdisciplinary network of professionals, organisations and citizens. Aiming to produce novel and relevant knowledge, enable informed participation, promote and disseminate Inner-urban landscapes so as to contribute directly to the processes of urban renewal.

The first round of seminars with students from the Architecture Μ.A. at the TUM has been completed. Students of the TU München TUM Department of Architecture and the School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens jointly explore, analyse, and theorise different ways of conceptualising the city and emerging urban phenomena. The contributions are grouped around the notion of “inner-urban landscapes”.

Urban Design Research Laboratory #1 Booklet

  • In this magazine, students of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) jointly explore, analyse, and theorise different ways of conceptualising the city and emerging urban phenomena. The cities of Athens and Munich provided the backdrop for the students’ observations and theorising. In this way, they could either conduct research at their doorsteps or draw on work and experiences made during previous field trips. The combination of direct, personal experiences and digital communication defined the working process for the production of this magazine.

Next steps involve an open-to-the-public round-table in Athens on May 6, 2022 with experts from different fields to contribute to the subject. The key findings and moments of the research project will be exhibited in Athens, published and encourage further collaborations with network partners for further projects.

  • Friday, May 6

    Athens' Futures

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