Curtis on Tour Athens 2021

On stage rehearsing, from left to right: Josef Špaček (violin), George Xiaoyuan Fu (piano), Timotheos Petrin (cello)
Photo by Charis Akriviadis
Curtis on Tour, The Nina von Maltzahn Global Touring Initiative of the Curtis Institute of Music returns to Athens, where Curtis students, faculty, and alumni have appeared annually since 2015. The tour begins with a celebratory return to the Gennadius Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, presented by the Schwarz Foundation and the Gennadius Library.
“One of the world’s finest music academies” (BBC Culture), the Curtis Institute of Music pairs tradition and innovation, educating exceptionally gifted young musicians as artist-citizens who engage a local and global community through music-making of the highest caliber.
Grounded in the school’s “learn by doing” philosophy, tours feature extraordinary emerging artists alongside celebrated alumni and faculty. This year’s Curtis on Tour offering showcases, alumni Josef Špaček (violin), Timotheos Petrin (cello) and George Xiaoyuan Fu (piano) performing works by Beethoven, Schubert, Dvořák, Xenakis and many more. The tour continues with concerts at Konzerthaus Berlin and Hôtel de Talleyrand in Paris.
Josef Špaček (violin)
Photo by Charis Akriviadis
Timotheos Petrin (cello)
Photo by Charis Akriviadis
From left to right: Josef Špaček (violin), Timotheos Petrin (cello)
Photo by Charis Akriviadis

From left to right: Josef Špaček (violin), George Xiaoyuan Fu (piano), Timotheos Petrin (cello)
Photo by Charis Akriviadis

From left to right: Josef Špaček (violin), George Xiaoyuan Fu (piano), Timotheos Petrin (cello)
Photo by Charis Akriviadis

From left to right: Josef Špaček (violin), George Xiaoyuan Fu (piano), Timotheos Petrin (cello)
Photo by Charis Akriviadis
Rehearsals, George Xiaoyuan Fu (piano)
Photo by Charis Akriviadis
Josef Špaček (violin)
Photo by Charis Akriviadis
Timotheos Petrin (cello)
Photo by Charis Akriviadis
From left to right: Josef Špaček (violin), Timotheos Petrin (cello)
Photo by Charis Akriviadis
From left to right: Josef Špaček (violin), George Xiaoyuan Fu (piano), Timotheos Petrin (cello)
Photo by Charis Akriviadis
From left to right: Josef Špaček (violin), George Xiaoyuan Fu (piano), Timotheos Petrin (cello)
Photo by Charis Akriviadis
From left to right: Josef Špaček (violin), George Xiaoyuan Fu (piano), Timotheos Petrin (cello)
Photo by Charis Akriviadis
- Tuesday, September 21
Solo Piano
- George Xiaoyuan Fupiano
- Wednesday, September 22
Cello, Piano
- George Xiaoyuan Fupiano
- Timotheos Petrincello
- Thursday, September 23
Violin, Cello
- Josef Špačekviolin
- Timotheos Petrincello
- Friday, September 24
Violin, Cello, Piano
- Josef Špačekviolin
- Timotheos Petrincello
- George Xiaoyuan Fupiano
- The Gennadius Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens is a leading research center for the study of the culture and civilization of Greece. With more than 145.000 rare books, archives, manuscripts, and research materials, the collections shed light on all periods of Greek history. Through public lectures, seminars, symposia, exhibitions, and publications, the Library aims to reach a broader public in order to highlight the importance of Greek culture in the formation of western civilization. Since August 2015 and in collaboration with the Schwarz Foundation, the Gennadius Library has hosted a series of four concerts of the famous Curtis Institute of Music that enliven the city’s cultural landscape at the beginning of autumn.
- The Curtis Institute of Music educates and trains exceptionally gifted young musicians to engage a local and global community through the highest level of artistry. For nearly a century Curtis has provided each member of its small student body with an unparalleled education alongside musical peers, distinguished by a “learn by doing” philosophy and personalized attention from a faculty that includes a high proportion of actively performing musicians. To ensure that admissions are based solely on artistic promise, Curtis makes an investment in each admitted student so that no tuition is charged for their studies. Curtis students hone their craft through more than 200 orchestra, opera, and solo and chamber music offerings each year and programs that bring arts access and education to the community. This real-world training allows these extraordinary young musicians to join the front rank of performers, composers, conductors, and musical leaders, making a profound impact on music onstage and in their communities. To learn more, visit
- Curtis on Tour is the Nina von Maltzahn global touring initiative of the Curtis Institute of Music. Grounded in the school’s “learn by doing” philosophy, tours feature extraordinary emerging artists alongside celebrated alumni and faculty. In addition to performances, musicians offer master classes, educational programs, and community engagement activities while on tour. Curtis on Tour also manages solo engagements for Curtis artists with professional orchestras and presenters. Since the program was established in 2008, Curtis on Tour ensembles have performed more than 375 concerts in over 100 cities in Europe, Asia, and the Americas.
- Andro, Dimitris Kiousopoulos, Τιμόθεος Πέτριν: «Οι νέοι μουσικοί στην Ελλάδα παλεύουν μόνοι τους» (GR)
- Kathimerini, Nikos A. Dontas, Ενδιαφέρον ρεπερτόριο μακριά από τη ρουτίνα (GR)
- Athinorama, Eytychios D. Choriatakis, Νέοι σολίστες και προγράμματα υψηλού επιπέδου στις «Νύχτες Κλασικής Μουσικής στη Γεννάδειο Βιβλιοθήκη» (GR)
- EfSyn, Giannis Svolos, Πολύτιμες νύχτες κλασικής μουσικής (GR)
- Curtis on Tour, the Nina von Maltzahn global touring initiative of the Curtis Institute of Music is the resident ensemble at the “Nights of Classical Music at the Gennadius Library,” which is presented by the Schwarz Foundation and the Gennadius Library of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens. Production: Phormigx, Media Relations: Zuma Communications, Booklet Graphic Design: Michalis Paparounis – futura Publications Printing: Fotolio